IOP Marina Public Dock and Greenspace
Milestone timeline:

On September 22, 2020, City Council voted to create a public dock and greenspace in the space formerly leased to the commercial watersports operation.
On November 2023, City Council awarded a contract to Truluck for the construction of a new public dock, which will include a 16' wide pier with covered area with benches and swings, a new floating dock with an ADA compliant gangway, kayak and stand-up paddle board launch.
Construction began on April 2024, and the anticipated completion date is June 1, 2024.
View the public dock design drawings here.
Project Funding Source:
$1.7M ($1M ARP, Marina Fund, Muni ATAX & State ATAX)
Project Updates
Public Dock & Greenspace
Design work 95% complete. Permits from OCRM and USACE are expected by the end of September. Bidding will quickly follow once permits are in hand.
T Dock Repairs
Repairs/Maintenance to the T dock to be included as an alternate bid with the public dock bidding process.
City held stakeholder meeting on 8/23 to begin coordination with marina neighbors to join permitting and dredging efforts. ATM studying the dredge disposal alternatives.
Public Dock & Greenspace
• City needs to engage ATM for bidding and construction administration services.
• City and Islander 71 need to agree and finalize parking redesign plan for the north side of the boat ramp with the goal of eliminating
the shared lot and creating separate parking areas for the City/residents and restaurant patrons and finalize scope and design of the
greenspace along the landside of the boardwalk.
T Dock Repairs
Repairs/Maintenance to the T dock planned to be included as an alternate bid along with the public dock bidding process.
Staff held kick-off meeting on July 18. First task involves local engagement and coordination with neighboring facilities on Morgan
Creek to identify their dredging needs and invite them to join City’s permitting efforts for potential cost and regulatory efficiencies.
Meeting with local stakeholders scheduled for mid-August.
Public Dock & Greenspace
• ATM finalizing dock design specifications for bidding. ATM seeking feedback from Council at the 7/11 workshop meeting.
• City and Islander 71 need to agree and finalize parking redesign plan for the north side of the boat ramp with the goal of eliminating the shared lot and creating separate parking areas for the City/residents and restaurant patrons and finalize scope and design of the greenspace along the landside of the boardwalk.
T Dock Repairs
Repairs to the T dock planned to be included as an alternate bid along with the public dock bidding process.
Contract with ATM executed. Kickoff meeting scheduled for week of July 17.
Public Dock & Marina Bulkhead Boardwalk
• Boardwalk project complete.
• Public dock application off public notice with OCRM and USACE.
• No comments received. City expects regulatory approval of the 16-ft wide dock. ATM completing final design to have plans
ready for bid concurrently with receiving final permits.
• Request for Proposals (RFP) for engineering, design and permitting for marina dredging project released on 5/4. Deadline for
submission of proposals is May 26, 2023.
• Public Services & Facilities Committee made recommendation to approve proposal from ATM. Final approval to be considered
by Council on June 27, 2023.
Breach Inlet Boat Ramp
• City partnered with Coastal Dredging (currently doing dock & dredging work for the Boathouse Marina) to perform some
maintenance at the City’s boat ramp. Approx. 150 cy of material were removed – at low tide there is now 5’ of water from the
end of the boat ramp extending towards deeper water.
• Gate has been refurbished and fixed.
• Staff requested ATM to evaluate slope of existing boat ramp and present recommendations to improve easy of use.
• Boardwalk project complete.
• Public dock application off public notice with OCRM and USACE.
• ATM coordinating w regulatory agencies to respond to any comments received.
• Request for Proposals (RFP) for engineering, design and permitting for marina dredging project released on 5/4.
Deadline for submission of proposals is May 26, 2023.
Breach Inlet Boat Ramp
• City partnered with Coastal Dredging (currently doing dock & dredging work for the Boathouse Marina) to perform
some maintenance at the City’s boat ramp. Approx. 150 cy of material were removed – at low tide there is now 5’ of
water from the end of the boat ramp extending towards deeper water.
• Gate has been refurbished and fixed.
• Staff requested ATM to evaluate slope of existing boat ramp and present recommendations to improve easy of use.
OCRM permit application for the public dock
replacement project submitted in December
• Permit application put on public notice for USACE
and SCDHEC OCRM • USACE noticed
– March 9, 2023 (Goes off notice
April 9, 2023)
• DHEC noticed
– March 27, 2023 (Goes off notice
April 27, 2023)
• Preliminary design work complete
– most of the design (framing member sizing/spacing, pile
sizing/spacing) is contingent on OCRM approving
the proposed width of the pier at 16’
• Construction on the bulkhead repairs and
installation of 6’ boardwalk along the Intracoastal
side is complete. • Final piece is the lighting along the railing to be
complete by mid April