Beach Maintenance & Access Improvements
Milestone timeline:
Project Updates
IOP County Park Emergency Vehicle Access
- County Park staff is expected to complete their design review process this week.
- After final approvals are given, the City will be able to seek bids.
Beach Access Path Improvements
- Contract for construction of ADA boardwalks at 46 and 52nd Avenue executed. Construction at 52nd Avenue began 10/4. Completion date January 2024. Received bids for the construction of boardwalks at 26A and 36A. Final approval from Greenbelt Board expected in November, and funds available in December.
Beach Maintenance and Restoration
- Emergency beach restoration work is ongoing as needed. Sandbag placement at Breach Inlet and Beachwood East is ongoing as bags are delivered to fill gaps.
- Wild Dunes shoal management project application submitted. Public meeting held on May 22 at 5pm, at the Rec Center. If permits are issued, construction anticipated end of 2024, early 2025.
- Contract awarded to Ahtna Marine. Pre-Construction meeting held on 4/10.Notice to proceed issued on 5/1. Contractor began mobilizing to project area. Final project schedule not yet completed. Significant work needed, approx. 6-8 weeks, in the AIWW placement area prior to any sand being pumped on the beach. On 7/15 City was informed that contractor is starting sand placement on Sullivan's Island, then move to IOP, due to the amount of clearing and dewatering needed in IOPs sediment areas. Sand pumping at Sullivan's Island started on 9/23. Sand placement at IOP will commence approx. 6 weeks after the work at Sullivan's Island begins. City is waiting on OCRM and USACE permit for proposed supplemental work.
IOP County Park Emergency Vehicle Access
- Funding Source: $200K Beach Preservation Fund (City requesting $250K from FY25 State Budget)
- City approved design. City has received and a design change order to account for additional coordination and has requested additional information. Once Charleston County Parks approves design, project will go out to bid. Construction planned for end of 2024.
Beach Access Path Improvements
- Funding Source: $250K Beach Preservation Fund + $500K FY24 State Budget
Allocation. Staff also seeking Greenbelt Program funding. - 26A, 36A, 46 and 52nd Avenue - Surveys and design complete. Construction of ADA compliant boardwalks at 46 and 52 Ave scheduled for end of 2024. RFB for
construction is out, deadline 8/9/24. Staffsubmitted application for Greenbelt
funding for construction of boardwalks at 26A and 36A.
Beach Maintenance & Restoration
Emergency Beach Restoration
- Funding Source: Beach Preservation Fund $1.5M Breach Inlet emergency Scraping + trucking + sandbags (Offset by $850K grant from SCPRT) $300K Beachwood East sandbags
- Emergency beach restoration work is ongoing as needed. City ordered approximately 100 extra sandbags for placement at Beachwood East to fill gaps. Bag placement at Beachwood East complete.
Wild Dunes Shoal Management Project
- Funding Source: $365K Engineering, permitting shoal management projects and large offshore projects
- Wild Dunes shoal management project application submitted. Public meeting held on May 22 at 5pm, at the Rec Center. If permits are issued, construction anticipated end of 2024, early 2025
Additional city work in conjunction with USACE project
- Funding Source: $400K estimated cost of additional City work in conjuction w USACE project
- Contract awarded to Ahtna Marine. Pre-Construction meeting held on 4/10.Notice to proceed issued on 5/1. Contractor began mobilizing to project area. Final project schedule not yet completed. Significant work needed, approx. 6-8 weeks, in the AIWW placement area prior to any sand being pumped on the beach. On 7/15/24 City was informed that contractor is starting sand placement on Sullivan's Island, then move to IOP, due to the amount of clearing and dewatering needed in IOPs sediment areas. City is waiting on OCRM and USACE permit for proposed supplemental work.
OP County Park Emergency Vehicle Access
- City approved design. City has received and a design change order to account for additional coordination and has requested additional information. Once Charleston County Parks approves design, project will go out to bid. Construction planned for end of 2024.
IOP County Park Emergency Vehicle Access
- Funding Source: $200K Beach Preservation Fund (City requesting $250K from FY25 State Budget)
- City approved design. Once Charleston County Parks approves design, project will go out to bid. Construction planned for end of 2024.
Beach Access Path Improvements
- Funding Source: $250K Beach Preservation Fund + $500K FY24 State Budget Allocation
- 26A, 36A, 46 and 52nd Avenue - Surveys complete and design in process. Construction scheduled for end of 2024.
Beach Maintenance & Restoration
-Emergency Beach Restoration
- Funding Source: Beach Preservation Fund $1.5M Breach Inlet emergency Scraping + trucking + sandbags (Offset by $850K grant from SCPRT) $300K Beachwood East sandbag
- Emergency beach restoration work is ongoing as needed.
-Shoal Management Project
- Funding Source: $365K Engineering, permitting shoal management projects and large offshore projects
- Wild Dunes shoal management project application submitted. Public meeting scheduled for May 22 at 5pm, at the Rec Center. If permits are issued, construction anticipated end of 2024, early 2025.
-Beneficial Use Project & Additional Necessary Restoration
- Funding Source: $400K estimated cost of additional City work in conjunction with USACE project
- Contract awarded to Ahtna Marine. Pre-Construction meeting held on 4/10.Notice to proceed issued on 5/1. Contractor began mobilizing to project area. Final project schedule not yet completed. Significant work needed in the AIWW placement area prior to any sand being pumped on the beach. City is waiting on OCRM and USACE permit for proposed supplemental work.
IOP County Park Emergency Vehicle Access
- Funding Source: $200K Beach Preservation Fund (City requesting $250K from FY25 State Budget)
- City approved design. Once Charleston County Parks approves design, project will go out to bid. Construction planned for end of 2024.
Beach Access Path Improvements
- Funding Source: $250K Beach Preservation Fund + $500K FY24 State Budget Allocation
- 26A, 36A, 46 and 52nd Avenue - Surveys complete and design in process. Construction scheduled for end of 2024.
Beach Maintenance & Restoration
-Emergency Beach Restoration
- Funding Source: Beach Preservation Fund $1.5M Breach Inlet emergency Scraping + trucking + sandbags (Offset by $850K grant from SCPRT) $300K Beachwood East sandbag
- Emergency beach restoration work is ongoing as needed.
-Shoal Management Project
- Funding Source: $365K Engineering, permitting shoal management projects and large offshore projects
- Project application submitted.
-Beneficial Use Project & Additional Necessary Restoration
- Funding Source: $400K estimated cost of additional City work in conjunction with USACE project
- Contract awarded to Ahtna Marine. Pre-Construction meeting to be held on 4/10. Anticipated construction start mid-May.
IOP County Park Emergency Vehicle Access
City approved design. Once Charleston County Parks approves design, project will go out to bid. Construction planned for end of 2024.
Beach Access Path Improvements
26A, 36A, 46 and 52nd Avenue - Surveys complete and design in process. Construction scheduled for end of 2024.
Beach Maintenance & Restoration
- Emergency beach restoration work is ongoing at north and south end of island. Installation of sand bags at Beachwood East expected to be complete week of 2/12.
- CSE meeting with State Historic Preservation Office for discussion re borrow areas. Shoal management project application in process.
- USACE opened bids in January, expected to issue contract in February for beneficial use project. Estimated construction start March 2024.