Seasonal Garbage & Recycling Collection Schedule
June 1, 2022 - Isle of Palms, SC
Household Garbage Collection
The City of Isle of Palms Public Works Department will begin twice per week garbage collection the week of June 6, 2022.
The garbage collection seasonal schedule is as follows:
Twice Per Week Collection Schedule:
June 6, 2022 – August 29, 2022
Monday: Breach Inlet through 30th Avenue
Tuesday: 30th Avenue through Wild Dunes
Wednesday: Yard Debris and Miscellaneous
Thursday: Breach Inlet through 30th Avenue
Friday: 30th Avenue through Wild Dunes
Recycling Collection
Charleston County Recycling will provide once per week recycling service this season starting on Wednesday, June 8 through August 31, 2022.
Garbage will not be collected on Monday, July 4th. Garbage and recycling collection services that week will be delayed one day.