IOPWSC Begins Island Wide Meter Replacement Upgrade


The Isle of Palms Water and Sewer Commission (IOPWSC) will begin an island-wide meter upgrade on Tuesday, February 15, 2022 and anticipates completion by June 15, 2022.

The project will begin at Breach Inlet and finish at the end of Wild Dunes. The IOPWSC will place a door hanger notifying residents as their meter replacement is complete. 

If you have any questions or issues relating to the meter replacement, please call US Bronco Services, Inc. at 1-844-529-5913. 

Minor water discoloration or air within the lines may occur immediately after installation. Running your bath tub cold water faucet for at least 30 seconds should reduce this issue.

Please contact the IOPWSC at (843) 886-6148 if you have any questions about this project.