Discover Local Flavors: IOP Farmers Market is Back!
City of Isle of Palms Recreation Department Farmer’s Market & Food Truck Jam Kicks-off June 20, 2024
WHAT: The City of Isle of Palms Recreation Department will kick-off the 2024 Farmer’s Market & Food Truck Jam series on June 20, 2024. This event experienced a huge growth in 2023 and will expand even more in 2024. To-date, there are over eighty (80) vendors secured for June.
In addition to adding more artists, crafters, specialty food vendors, local farmers, other local vendors, and family-friendly activities, the event will feature a Food Truck Jam! The goal for the food truck event is to provide a cultural cuisine experience. The tastes will include local flavors and specialties, and dishes from around the country and the world.
Also on June 20, 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., inside the building, IOP REC will host a blind-juried ART at the REC Art Show. Admission is free for the Farmer’s Market & Food Truck Jam and for ART at the REC.
June 20
Additional 2024 dates include:
July 18
August 15
September 19
October 17
WHERE: Isle of Palms Recreation Center
TIME: 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.