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Latest news of the City of Isle of Palms
The James B. Edwards Bridge westbound Interstate 526 over the Wando River remains closed since Monday, May 14, 2018 afternoon after an inspection conducted by the South Carolina Department of Transportation found a broken cable. The eastbound side towards Isle of Palms...Read more
As of May 1, 2018, the parking fee in the Municipal Parking Lots, located on Pavilion Drive, will change from a flat daily rate of $8 on weekdays and $10 on the weekends and holidays to $1.00 per hour. The City lots are operational between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.
"It is a positive step...Read more
The City of Isle of Palms has received reports from citizens of soft sand in the recently restored beach. In response to these concerns, the City has investigated conditions and worked with the City's Coastal Engineering...Read more
This spring, the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) will begin micro-surface work on Palm Boulevard between 21 st and 41 st Avenue. Micro-surfacing consists of the application of a thin, tough layer of asphalt meant to renew the road surface, seal minor cracks and extend the...Read more
Q&A about Ordinance 2017.07 which provides a new minimum elevation for residential construction.
...Read more
The SCDHEC-Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management has scheduled a public hearing on an application by Dewees lsland POA, Inc., 2017-00449,...Read more
Per the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management S.C. Dept. of Health & Environmental Control:
Based on comments received from landowners, community leaders, the...Read more